School of International Studies, Utsunomiya University
▷国際法/International Public Law
▷国際人権論/The International Protection of Human Rights
International Humanitarian Law in Theory and Practice
Seminar in International Community Studies D
(Seminar in International Law)
▷卒業研究/F's Seminar
International Career Seminar
Taking Peace Seriously:Towards the Understanding of UN Peace Operations

Graduate School of International Studies, Utsunomiya University
International Protection of Human Rights and Peace-building
International Humanitarian Law (IHL) Moot Court National Round
▷国際人道法ロールプレイ大会 国内予選(赤十字国際委員会)
International Humanitarian Law Role Play Competition National Round
Nelson Mandela World Human Rights Moot Court Competition
▷Kırımlı DR. Aziz Bey International Humanitarian Law Competition
Part-time lecturers
International Cooperation (Seikei University)
Peace Studies (Seikei University)
Introduction to Peacebuilding: Conflict and Reconciliation