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Next Project on Infection, Peace and Human Rights

執筆者の写真: Hiroshige FUJIIHiroshige FUJII


Hello. I am Kenta Idenoue, a member of Fujii’s seminar. The rainy season is over, and the sound of cicadas singing makes me feel much hotter. Today, I would like to introduce the next project on Infection, Peace, and Human Rights. Regarding this previous project, some members of Fujii’s seminar, including me, and UIPJ (Utsunomiya International Peace and Justice), which is a club to learn international human rights and humanitarian law and post-conflict peacebuilding, have engaged in this project and already shared its achievements with other students in Utsunomiya University. Following this, we are planning to undertake the next project now, so I would like to make use of this article to briefly share its previous one and introduce the next one.

In the last project, we consulted Ebola hemorrhagic fever, one of the severe epidemics that spread into the central and western areas of the African continent. Especially, the western pandemic from 2014 to 2016, in Sierra Leone and the Democratic Republic of Congo, was mainly focused on in terms of our research. We eventually made a poster as its achievement, whose title is ‘From the Outbreak to the End of Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever – a lesson from the past toward our new lifestyle with Corona-virus –’. We put up at our university to inform as many students as possible. This project has suggested learning from the past case to improve our daily lives.

The next project is expected to focus mainly on the World Health Organization (WHO), in the perspective of career-development at the United Nations, concerning Corona-virus infection. Its aim is divided into three aspects: to analyze the WHO from international relations, to learn a reality of international politics by referring to some state responses to the WHO, and to know what working at international organizations is all about intending to think about our career path. We are planning to apply a theoretical framework to the current global situation around the WHO to understand the context of international organizations. We would then explore the reality of international organizations in international society to clarify the WHO’s systematic characteristics. Based on that, we are expected to insist on the WHO's reality that we should understand, such as some points that can be assessed positively or negatively regarding the response to Corona-virus.

Through the above-mentioned analyses, these can eventually lead to tips to think about our career-developments. Moreover, since some articles I am supposed to read about this project may also contribute to my graduation thesis in some ways, I would intend to engage in this project. I hope that we can share its achievements at some future date. Thank you for reading.


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